Monday, April 23, 2012

Oh How I Love the Pitter Patter of Little Feet

It happens without realization. The sound of pitter patter becomes the sound of kids growing up. My 5, almost 6 year old, no longer pitter patters down the hallway when he gets up in the morning. I don't even remember when it stopped. It just suddenly hits you that it no longer has that baby/toddler/little one sound to it anymore. Thankfully, sixteen months ago, I had a wonderful oopsie-baby & get to hear that pitter patter every morning when Ella wakes up. It's a beautiful sound.


  1. Joel's ankles crack when he comes down the stairs and I always think of when he was tiny and I could barely hear his tiny steps coming down!

  2. Jill I love these pictures. Your kids are so cute. Maybe you will be blessed with another little oopsie again. : )

  3. I had a friend tell me recently that she believes God has an EXTRA special plan for those "oopsies"... I love thinking of that. :-) (and thanks!)
