Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Just a teensy-weensy, itty bitty, little frugal living discovery

So this has been an extremely rough week.  After several unexpected expenses (part of life, duh, i know), the final one tipped us over the edge.  Our a/c stopped working & it's August in Kansas City.  That means we had to fix it.  Thankfully, it wasn't a huge expense this time.  ((although we have been warned that our 30-40 year old furnace, ahem, needs replaced.))  However, the one thing plus the one thing plus the one thing plus the one thing... well, they added up.  And that equals us being more broke than usual.  I seriously had $20 to get us through more than a week for groceries and we are a family of 7.  ((yesterday I found a $10 buried in my purse!  yay!  but that's just a side note)) 

So this week was ALL about stretching the last of what's in my freezer and cabinets.  Lots of lessons learned here.  Number 1 is that I will not let my staples run this low again.  I was already short on some things that I normally have around.  So not good timing.  (is it ever good timing to be broke?)  It's a very scary feeling when you are a mommy to wonder how to stretch that last bit of milk, fruit, veggies.    Yesterday, my daughter cheerfully said "hey, we are like the family in Mr. Popper's Penguins!" (the book, not the movie) when I said we were having beans and rice.  Mr. Popper had a seasonal job.  Therefore, in the off- months, they had to eat a LOT of rice and beans.  It made me happy to hear her perspective on it.  And the thing is, at least we KNOW we have a paycheck coming.  I figure there are plenty of families in the world who do not know where their next meal is coming from.  So our minimal suffering was just that:  minimal.   (try telling that to a 6 year old who wants more milk though!)

Here's the teensy-weensy, itty bitty, little frugal living discovery that I made this week though.  Miniature chocolate chips.  Ok, does that sound like a necessity when you are broke?  Not really.  However, one thing I have found is that when I am trying to stretch that last bit of grocery money, I tend to bake more often for the kids.  (ok, for me too).  The good news is that I had these wonderful little gems in my cabinet already.  Here's what I found.  These little things go SOOOOO much further than normal chocolate chips!  I have now baked 4 things with a normal sized bag and there are STILL some left.  I don't think I will buy regular sized chocolate chips ever again. 

This may not seem like the most important frugal living tip in the world.  It's not.  I admit that.  I have posted about some of my other frugal tips in the past.  Maybe more important ones like crockpot chickens, dried beans, rice.    However, when you are raising a family on one modest income, you try to get creative.  You try to cut corners where you can.  Yet you still need treats!  Don't you?  Well, I do.  And my kids do.    And I have been thrilled that I could bake for them & give them some goodies this week.  Payday is in 2 short days & then we will get to live it up with lots of fruit & veggies again! In the meanwhile, we'll eat some jello with grapes & marshmallows.  And quite possibly a smore with graham crackers, marshmallows, and mini-chocolate chips.  Yum. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Yummy Summer ALMOST non-cooked Meal

One of these days..... PICTURES.... pictures of these most AWESOME meals....  tonight's was wonderful... absolutely WONDERFUL! 

Title of the meal?????  Black Bean & Corn Tacos....

Let me point something out... I didn't want to cook tonight.  and I didn't want to use meat tonight.  I went to Trader Joe's today & spent a little too much $$ & need to stretch out the food I have for a few days before a bigger shopping trip.  I really, really, really have to be more frugal on the grocery shopping.  Problem is, I love food.  I truly am a foodie.  I dont' get to enjoy the foodiehood of my foodieness because a) we can't afford to go out to eat much  and b) i have the world's most crappy kitchen.  No really.... ask any of my friends or family to verify that fact... it is the crappiest of crappy kitchens....  But.... at heart....  I - am- a- FOODIE!!!!!

Ok, so back to tonight's surprising D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S meal...

black bean & corn tacos

Numero uno:  the black bean part of the tacos.... 
 1) 1 can of black beans (rinsed),
 2)  approx half a bag of frozen corn
 3) 1 lime juiced onto the corn & beans
 4)  chili powder
  5)  salt & pepper 
  6)  garlic 
heat in microwave

Numero dos:  the salad
  1) bag of butter lettuces/radiccio mix
  2) olive oil (to taste)
  3) mango  approx 1 cup chopped
  4)  salt & pepper
  5)  wanted cilantro, but hubby had to work late... so did without

Numero tres:  the salsa
  1) this is a cheat here....  trader joe's has this fresh salsa in the refridgerated section that is so yummy & for the large "party" size it is around $4.50. 

Number quatro:  the guacamole
  1)  well... i bought avocados today & they looked dark... I thought they were ready....  but when I touched them, they were still too firm.  Note too all those of you who are NOT accustomed to purchasing & using avocados.... they should be dark & slightly soft to the touch.  so........
  2)  thankfully, I had some Wholly Guacamole in the fridge (actually the aldi brand of it) which is made from real avocados....  but still not the same.  So I took that bag of guac & dumped it in a bowl... then...
   3)  I added some of the fresh TJ's salsa to it.  Yum. 

Numero cinco:  the final product....
1) since this was meant to be NO cook, I did not want to turn on the oven... so I cheated.  I took a taco, stuffed it with the beans/corn, put a little shredded cheese on it & microwaved it a little.  then added all the goodies...

Oh it was yummy.... and I am sittin ghere hoping when DH decides to eat, that there will still be some left.  for lunch.  tomorrow.  wonderful.