Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Comparing Yoga Styles, A Newbie's Perspective

I'm no expert at Yoga.  I simply know that I enjoy it. 

I have been practicing for nearly three months now which is nothing in the long journey of life. 

My yoga practice takes place at three different YMCA locations which I live in close proximity, as well as occasionally at home.   When I first decided to give it a try, I simply looked up the yoga schedules at my gyms and went from there.  I did look at the websites of a few different local yoga studios and felt slightly overwhelmed when reading the different descriptions of the classes.  I had no idea there was a difference.  I thought that yoga was yoga.  Period. 

After three months, I can tell you a few things I have learned and what I prefer. 

First of all, I recently learned what Bikram yoga is.  I have absolutely ZERO desire to try this.  Do you know why?  Bikram yoga practices in the poses and postures in a studio where the temperature is set to a very high temperature, approximately 105 degrees F.  Seriously!  Who does this?  I hate the heat.  So this does not sound appealing to me. 

Two other styles of yoga are Hatha and Vinyasa, both of which I have now practiced. 

Reading up on the styles, Hatha is explained as a slower, gentler flow of poses and postures.  It is often recommended for beginners. 

Vinyasa moves through the poses a little more quickly.  You will do more poses and hold them for less time. 

I prefer the Vinyasa which is funny because most things I have read states that Vinyasa is best for advanced students.  I find the Vinyasa easier when it is a difficult pose because I don't have to hold the pose as long.  I suppose in all honesty, I should be doing the slower and perfecting those poses.  However, I think for me, a big reason some poses are difficult is that I am overweight.  (will work on that after the holidays!)  So holding some poses just gets so hard.  My arms get so achy! 

As I have said before yoga will be so much easier for me when I am skinny. 

One of these days when I feel a little more skilled, I would like to take classes at an actual yoga studio.  I'd love to see what it is like in that environment. 

For now, I'll enjoy my YMCA!

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