I think my children are pretty happy. They are provided for by me and my husband. They are educated. They are taught right from wrong. They are loved.
But sometimes my house is a mess. Sometimes a big mess. There are often dishes piled in the sink, clutter on the floor, unfinished laundry scattered in various rooms. 
And it scares me to read an article like I did yesterday about a homeschooling family in my neck of the woods who was in trouble with child protective services because someone called in "a messy house." When the family turned away a CPS agent, they sent a swat team who proceeded to raid their home. The parents were even hit with tasers!
The children were temporarily removed from the home. However, when this reached a judge, the judge threw out the case and gave the children back to their parents.
This scares the hell out of me. Seriously. If someone came to my house today, my house is fairly clean. However, if someone randomly showed up at my house a few days ago, it would not have been.
When I talk to other moms about the subject of the state of our homes, they are mostly in agreement with me. Sometimes their house is clean, sometimes it isn't. And on really bad weeks, it can be a disaster. Throw a sick kid into the mix or a week of crazy schedules and who knows what the house will look like. The week of Halloween I was so busy (doing things for my children) and so exhausted that my house was a disaster all week.
How does that make you a bad parent? How does that give the government the right to take away a child? Is a child unloved just because there are cheerios on the floor? Is a child abused because the sink is full of dirty dishes?
This reminds me of the time a child was removed because he was overweight. WAs that child unloved?
I think that there are times a child should be removed from a home (physical abuse, neglect). I just think a messy house is pushing it too far.
The thing is, for me, I have always struggled with the housekeeping thing. It doesn't come naturally for me. However, I do try. I do attempt to pick up after my children. I do try to keep up with that continuous stream of laundry. I do try to clean the kitchen after the many meals I prepare. And I also try to teach my children to do the same, but we aren't great at it.
Does that make me a bad parent?
I'm already a mom that knows my weaknesses, my failures. I am already a mom who wishes I could improve in so many ways.
But I love my children. I would do anything for them. I would give my own life for them.
I'm not a good housekeeper though.
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