Is it every mother's instinct to cringe, just a little, when they see their children playing in the mud?
The thing is, I do NOT have a nice house. I am NOT an immaculate housekeeper. Yet, I do it. I cringe when I see the mud. I admit it.
I try not to. I look out the window and see radiant joy upon the face of those who are most cherished to me. I try to hold my tongue. I do. I have often told them (lectured) that I don't mind them playing in the mud if they will just wash off with the hose before they come tramping back in the house. I wish they would because I hate the damper that I must put on their joy when they hear my voice saying "don't get muddy!"
Today, a beautiful, light rain started as the children finished eating lunch in the back yard. It was the kind of refreshing rain that I love. I looked outside after a bit & they were all running, playing, enjoying. I said the typical "don't get muddy" thing that I say. I continued to watch the happiness out the sunroom window. Logan, my 5 year old, runs through the yard with such a wonderful smile upon his face yelling "this is one of the best days of my whole life!"
that's what it is about... not the muddy floors. not the extra laundry. It's about childhood and finding joy in the truly beautiful, simple things. Now I better get off here and do a load of muddy laundry.