I have always done our taxes. It's always been a hassle. Last year was the first year I thought to myself "why do I have to do this?" and the thing is, I had a brand new baby & I well, yes, I was overwhelmed. And the taxes were super confusing. 2 states, hubby unemployed for awhile, hubby working as a contractor for 3 months, new job, old job, tiny 2 week job for me... oh it was awful. i shouldn't have done them. i just shouldn't have. now, here i am, a year later and i feel that same pit of dread in my tummy about doing the taxes. i think it really has hit me that i am overwhelmed: period. and preparing our taxes is just ONE MORE THING for me.... this year, only 1 job, still 2 states, pain the ass. anyway, i haven't done them. i need to do them. we owe so much money that i pray for refund that will cover the majority of our expenses. maybe that is part of it, the financial overwhelmedness... i know that isn't a word, but i feel overwhelmedness. my house is a mess. i have a pile of laundry the size of texas that needs folded & put away & who am i kidding, they probably won't get "folded" per say... more like handed to the person who needs to put them somewhere. i have a dryer that doesnt' work. that's fine, but it just adds to my overwhelmedness. (sorry the word is sticking). school with my kids? i'm so grouchy at times.... i love them & want to homeschool, but we really need an overhaul on on how we do it. anyway... i am overwhelmed today. and i really need to do the taxes (oh there goes my tummy again)
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