So this blog is about life and all it's good stuff & I can hardly claim to talk about all the good stuff if I fail to mention Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. This is one time the book and the movie are equally fantastic. For now, I think I will talk a little bit about the wonderful book. I just started the book again, for the fourth time. It truly is a book that grows richer with every read. And, ok, I can't really separate them entirely, the movie, some ways, has helped to deepen my appreciation of the book. For example, much of the prologue, for me, the first time I read this masterpiece, went in one eye & out the other as it talked about the different types of hobbits, the governing of hobbits, the pipe weed of hobbits.... I can't remember what actually stuck that first time. As I read the prologue last night, I was imagining Merry (from the film) as he wrote "Herblore of the Shire" and it was much more enjoyable to read. Also, as I have grown to love the characters more with each read and viewing, all the little details about things concerning hobbits are that much more interesting to me.
I have to admit that the first time I read the novel I rushed through it (as much as you can rush through a book of that size & depth) because my husband wanted to watch the films and I wanted to read the books first. I seriously sat in my house all afternoon one August day trying to finish the 2nd part of the book so that we could watch The Two Towers that evening... I finished, we watched, I loved.... but yeah, I didn't get as much out of the fantastic work as I did the 2nd and 3rd time I read it.
I also have to admit that I am often reading late into the night, after my children are asleep, when all my energy is drained. So that makes it tough for books to sometimes stick to my brain. Or when I am reading during the daytime hours, I am reading with 5 children doing their best to turn my focus towards them. So these factors have made me realize that I must read these wonderful classic books more than once.
Anyway, I was suppose to write about why I love LOTR, but instead I have written about why I enjoy reading it multiple times. Oh well. that's the kind of gal I am.... easily distracted, unfocused, and oh yeah, a mom.... so that is why I will end this now. I will write more on this, one of my favorite subjects, again another time.
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