With #'s 2,3, and 4, I never gave it a second thought.
As a new mom, 12.5 years ago, I was nervous every time I breastfed in public. Didn't know what I was doing. I was so self-conscious. I still remember meeting my co-workers for lunch at Panera Bread to introduce them to my beautiful new baby boy. He started fussing & man, was I stressed! There were other employees from my company at the restaurant sitting nearby. I thought "what if they see me?" YIKES! So I finished up & then went out to the mall area to nurse him. Still nervous and uncomfortable about it. At some point in that first year of motherhood, breastfeeding became, well NATURAL to me. Because, afterall, breastfeeding IS natural. It's what God intended for those lovely breasts on us ladies.
I breastfed #1 until he was around 15 months. I proceeded to extend that time with each subsequent child. #2 was just slightly more than #1, #3 was nursed until her 2nd birthday, and #4 was breastfed until he was nearly 3. And I tell you what, I loved most every minute of it. Oh sure, there were times that it was painful or a hassle. I remember one time when one of the middles were old enough that I didn't have to nurse often in public. It was Christmas Eve Mass and I wanted to wear my pretty black holiday dress. Yes, a DRESS... I dont' get to do that much since I seem to be constantly breastfeeding. But I decided to risk it. And warned DH that I would need his help blocking me, baby, and blanket if he decided to nurse mid-Mass. And sure enough, he did.... I managed though. I had a big blanket to cover up my legs... :-)
It's easy to do. I don't have to THINK about packing anything for my littles until they are eating too. Even then, I sometimes forget & figure, well, at least they can nurse.
However, since that article came out about nursing & subsequent discussions about people being anti-public-breastfeeding, I have found myself nervous at times when I have to nurse miss #5 in public! I still do it, of course, but I kind of feel like a first time mom again with the nerves that I have going along with it. I try to be modest, I have a big sheet with which I cover my little one. However, she's a big girl and currently in that acrobatic nursing phase. Those of you who have nursed longer than a year know what I am talking about... The other day she was nursing on the couch & seriously was doing little somersaults... Fine at home. Not so fine if we are in a restaurant (which we rarely attempt) or church (which we do every week).
Anyway, I am a happy breastfeeding mom. I'm just thinking aloud here about the whole issue of breastfeeding in public. It's my baby & I'll nurse if I want to (to be sung to the tune of It's my Party and I'll cry if I want to)....